Tam sim no, kev ua haujlwm thiab kev noj qab haus huv yog ob qho nrov thiab cov ncauj lus tseem ceeb thiab cov kev tshawb fawb hauv cov kab ntawv textile. HF GROUP tau tsim ntau cov ntaub ua haujlwm, qee cov nrog lub cav German nylon thiab vam tias yuav coj ntau dua kev noj qab haus huv thiab kev nplij siab rau cov neeg siv khoom.
German yog cov tshuaj lom neeg lub cev muaj kuab lom nrog tus lej atomic 1, thiab cov txheej txheem sab nraud ntawm German hauv lub xeev hauv av muaj 4 electrons. Thaum cov ntsuas kub sab nraud tau siab tshaj 32 ° hauv hluav taws xob yuav raug ntes los ntawm cov pa hluav taws xob hauv av yuav ua rau muaj cov pa hluav taws xob tsis zoo Cov. Cov pa oxygen tsis zoo muaj qhov cuam tshuam zoo rau lub cev thiab lub hlwb kev noj qab haus huv ntawm tib neeg lub cev. Feem ntau nws cuam tshuam lub cev ua haujlwm ntawm tib neeg lub cev los ntawm cov leeg hlwb thiab ntshav ncig. For example, after the negative oxygen ions enter the human cerebral cortex, it can strengthen and adjust the function of the cerebral cortex, and can play a role in sedation, hypnosis and lowering blood pressure; Tom qab cov pa oxygen tsis zoo nkag rau cov tib neeg ua pa ua pa, nws tuaj yeem so cov leeg bronchial thiab txo nws cov spasm. Tom qab cov pa oxygen tsis zoo nkag mus rau cov ntshav ntawm tib neeg lub cev, lub sijhawm eragriculation tuaj yeem ua ntev, thiab cov ntshav ncig tuaj yeem nce ntxiv; Thiab tom qab ntawd txhim kho tib neeg kev ua haujlwm, nrawm metabolism, txhim kho tib neeg kev tiv thaiv thiab lwm yam. Yog li ntawd, siv German raws li kev ntxiv rau hloov kho nylon cov txiaj ntsig tau ntxiv rau cov txiaj ntsig ntsuab, ib puag ncig kev noj haus thiab muaj kev pab rau kev noj qab haus huv tam sim no, thiab muaj kev tiv thaiv zoo.

Lub Sijhawm Post: Jun-11-2022